The vision behind Himalayan Hermitage is rooted in the desire to share the Himalayan Buddhist Wisdom tradition with others. Why? Because there is so much to benefit from it! 

Combining travel to sacred sights in the Himalayas with learning and practicing meditation, Buddhist philosophy, yoga and traveling with a purpose is what makes what Himalayan Hermitage offers rather unique.

Inner values. Our journeys are about reconnecting with inner values. In our day and age the speed of our urban lives – both physically and mentally – and all that we need to achieve in the course of our lives disconnect us from our bodies and our mind, causing stress, depression and anxiety in our western societies. Participating on our journeys you will learn daily tools to become more aware of your own mind by slowing down in meditation practice. By slowing down we learn how to stabilise our mind to some degree, and from this place of more stability our mind becomes more clear. From this place, we will be of greater benefit to ourselves and to those around us.

Outer care. We travel with conscience and care. We support eco-travel and eco-tourism, supporting those in the places we visit, such as the nunneries and monasteries we visit and stay in. At the same time, we make sure to carbon offset on all aspects of our journeys, including flights, vehicles etc. Please see our Environmental Statement for more information.

Our Himalayan Hermitage Facilitators are the height of what HH offers. Our facilitators are well versed in ‘Buddhist Studies’ (philosophy, history, and language) and have had a daily meditation practice for at least 5 years. The idea of ‘pilgrimage’ here is of an introspective and non-religious inclination where our aim is to provide everyone of all faiths and cultures access to the rich wisdom traditions of the Himalayas.

Our journeys are set up in a way to benefit others. The people + places we travel to through supporting their projects and their livelihood. In turn, our participants benefit from discovering a living wisdom tradition and practising various tools and methods of meditation practice and Buddhist philosophy. Our facilitators grow and get to practice mind training from leading a group of people for a certain amount of time! This creates an interconnected mandala where we aspire to bring benefit to all aspects involved.


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